
    Counting by density2023-04-06T12:15:56+02:00

    Counting by density

    If the density is greater than one, the price will be higher per liter than per kg. Convert the price per kg to the price per liter or vice versa:

    For example, if a product costs $18.00/l, divide by the density of 1.41 kg/l and the price is $12.77/kg.

    Calculation: Price per liter / density = price per kilogram

    Kilo price x density = liter price

    water analysis, peat, environmental analysis
    Recalculate the nutrient content from oxides to pure substance!2023-04-06T12:16:16+02:00

    Recalculate the nutrient content from oxides to pure substance!

    In Europe, fertilizers in oxide form are declared for several substances.

    Use the following formulas to calculate the pure substance -> Calculation:

    P2O5 to P => P2O5/2.29

    K2O to K => K20/1.2

    MgO to Mg => MgO/1.66

    SO3 to S => SO3/2.5

    CaO to Ca => CaO/1.4

    How to calculate the amount of acid that needs to be added to nutrient solutions?2023-04-06T12:15:32+02:00

    How to calculate the amount of acid that needs to be added to nutrient solutions?

    Neutralize 100 mg/l of alkalinity (HCO3-) per 1000 liters of irrigation water:

    Acid product per 1000 l of irrigation water per 100 l stock solution with 1:100 dilution
    Phosphoric acid 85% 0,10 liter 1.0 liter
    Phosphoric acid 75% 0.125 liters 1.25 liters
    Magnofoss 0,17 liter 1.7 liters
    Nitric acid 62% 0,12 liter 1.2 liters
    Nitric acid 53% 0.145 liters 1.45 liters

    Use Effect+ to neutralize alkalinity (HCO3-) in spray liquid:

    To reduce alkalinity by 100 mg/l, you need to add 12 ml of Effect+ per 100 liters of spray liquid.

    To maintain an alkalinity of 50 mg/l in the raw water, add the following amount of Effect+ (ml/100 l spray liquid):

    Alkalinity Quantity of Effect+ (ml/100 l)
    50 0
    100 6
    150 12
    200 18
    250 24
    300 31
    350 37
    water analysis drop growers


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